Thursday, January 27, 2011

Lofty goals and grand promises

What's a new year without some unrealistic goal setting and crazy declarative statements?

This year I will:

1. Only buy the thread I need (and I will work on using a widely acceptable definition of the term "Need")
2. Finish and deliver my baby quilts in a timely manner ("Timely" being defined as within the first six months of the child's birth)
3. Blog more often than quarterly.
4. Read the directions to a pattern all the way through before cutting any fabric.
5. Organize my stash.

Oh crap. Isn't this embarrassing (and typical...)? I apparently started this in January. Maybe #6 should be "I will only blog during months starting with "j". Must make up for lost time I suppose. I have been sewing though. Does that count for anything?


  1. I think there has to be pictures if things are going to count.

  2. I don't think it helps my case that I have actually taken pictures and have not bothered to post them along the way.
