Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Confessions of a (Thread) Hoarder

Sew I think I last left you in the throws of my precarious binding predicament. Happy to report it all worked out fine and the BHP is officially complete. She will be posted to Baby Honey tomorrow. As Baby Honey is only 7 months old, I am quite pleased with myself.

I have an embarrassing amount of thread. This is for two different reasons: I am incapable of purchasing one spool of thread, even for a darning project. What if I run out? What if it is the exact shade necessary for some future as yet unknown project? It never is however, which leads me to reason #2: None of the thread in my possession is ever a good enough match (for me) to be used in another project. Recently, my obsession was granted a brief window of credibility. When we moved in to our house four years ago, I made throw pillows for our couch. I purchased 2 spools of rust colored thread (250 yd spools... 500 yds of thread, insanity!) for six throw pillows. Four years later, I still have very nearly two spools of rust colored thread. Enter the project for my living room that is using beautiful oranges, rusts, browns, and creams. the pattern is a raw edge applique, so I wanted to use a colored thread. New Project, please meet Thread Obsession. Since it is such a simple design and quilt plan, I am going to use the rust thread to quilt the blanket as well. Having saved the day once with TheObsession, I feel I am fully justified in continuing on with purchasing mass quantities of thread. Awesome pattern, by the way. If you can make it past the cutting, it is super fast from there. And this baby it HUGE for a throw.


  1. Discussions of obsessions on a quilting blog? I'm SHOCKED!

  2. And even with this warning fresh in my head, I regret to say that my kamikaze quilting this weekend was foiled by running out of thread for my grandpa's quilt.
