Sew… it’s been a while. About three months it looks like. I did give Beautiful Boy away to some very appreciative parents. :o) Took me a while to figure out the telescoping square quilting on the BHP (give me a break… I am spatially challenged and trying to work from a photo), but I finally finished the squares and the flower border. Last thing I made my squeaky machine (sounded like the shower scene in Psycho with every stitch) do was put the binding on. Enter Moral Lesson Of the Day: Don’t drink and sew kids. It never comes to a good end. I like to diagonally piece my bindings because that’s how some magazine told me to. I can’t blame the first misstep on the wine because I initially pieced all the strips stone sober. Instead of piecing each strip one at a time, I sewed two strips at a time, thinking I would save time. I had six strips to piece. After I trimmed seams and started pressing, I realized that the middle seam was backwards. $&#*%$& Ripped the seam out, whacked off the end and tried again. And again. And again. Could not wrap my head around the geometry. Threw the whole mess on the bed and left the room cursing, vowing not to return. Ever. Friday night, after a lovely dinner at home that included a glass of wine, I decided it was a good time to try again. Carried my glass with me to the sewing room and cleared my mind of any preconceived ideas of how this would work. Imagine, if you will, me standing in front of my ironing board taking deep cleansing breaths. Missed on the first try. Seam ripper and a swig from the glass. SUCCESS! The darn thing was finally right side out. HaHA! Plugged in the iron and proceeded to press the binding. Until, that is, I came to the next #($&@*&%^ seam. Yes. Backward. Seriously? How did I manage to do this AGAIN? Sheer stubbornness and wine induced single mindedness spurred me on to rip that seam out another 5 times before I got it right again. So kids, since I can’t be a good example, I will settle for being a horrible warning.
Telescoping Squares

Border... barely visible though the chalk helps
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