I got it into my head that I wanted to make a Cal King size duvet cover. Again, my blatant disregard for measurements worked to my disadvantage. You see, I hate working with really large pieces of fabric, like the 8 yards I needed for the duvet. But I learned a new skill using a blogged tutorial: I learned how to French seams. Tedious, but the results are very nice looking. I frenched the holy heck out of those seams, let me tell you what. I'd take a picture, but the lighting in my bedroom is horrible and none of the pics are turning out well, so you'll just have to take my word for it. Made matching pillowcases too. Frenched, natch.
Superhero Day
The Wee One's school had Superhero Day right before spring break. All he asked for were capes on his socks. So capes on his socks he got.

Cold Necks
I am against them. And for voile. Totally for voile. No matter how it is pronounced. I bought some fun stuff and made myself an infinity scarf. Took about two hours, mostly because I took an hour to decide if I wanted an infinity scarf or just a regular scarf.

And now on to the quilting
Finished the binding on the red and white quilt in the car on the way to AZ. It washed up fabulously. With five color catchers in the washer, the white is still sparkling. While a little dense, the quilting softened up and it drapes well. I hope to get a label on it at guild this weekend and then donate it to the UCSD Medical Center. I never gave it a name in my head since its always been marked for donation.

Abby Road
Finished, but not in the car. There's only so much sewing one can do in the front seat of a Prius. The back seat may have had more room, but came with a seatmate who likes to play never ending guessing games.

And last but not least, The Minkee Monkeys
I whipped up a quick blankie for a baby shower gift out of fabric I already had in my stash (I love it when I can do that!). I felt guilt about the lack of work on the quilt top, so I backed it in the dreaded Minkee. I didn't even bind it, just turned and top stitched, tacked it at the corners of the squares. The mama liked it, I think.

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