Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Tis but a flesh wound!

A horrible warning

Rotary cutters are sharp. Wicked sharp. And of course it happened at a guild meeting, so I couldn't mourn the loss of the chunk of my finger and bleed in peace.

By the way, when you text your husband asking what you should do if your finger won't stop bleeding, you deserve what you get and what you get is panic.

New experiment: how long does it take to regrow a finger?
Answer: so far, longer than three days. And I am being a BIG baby about it.

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Monday, February 20, 2012

F-ing kangaroos

Random line from a Terry Pratchett book, but fitting. I've been arguing with blogging software. Thankfully, blogpress finally updated their app for the new os. So here we are. Where we're we?

Oh right. Istanbul (not Constantinople). Quilting the *%$& out of it according to one onlooker. I still heart it so much. Even though I've so far used approximately 750 meters of thread on this sucker. I can get through about one and a half columns of quilting on one bobbin spool. This pattern is crazy.

I've completed 8 columns of quilting so far, not counting the one I ripped out (took me a week to rip that out) because it was nested all wrong. I have at least four more to do, then need to go back and fill in holes along the side. Then on to binding, which brings me to my next rant...

Why don't I just buy binding fabric when I buy the rest of the fabric? It is only thanks to OCQ that I have the fabric that I want to bind this sucker. I really need to get better about that.
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