So it's not like I haven't been sewing... Well at least I was sewing up until about Thanksgiving. I had huge plans. Huge! I even blogged about them. I had a totally awesome, totally picture filled, totally wordy post all about sewing. Then my stupid blogging software went on a literary rampage and ate my post. And that is not a fancy of blaming my lacksadsical writing on someone other than me. I was seriously peeved. Apparently the software did not appreciate the iOS upgrade. According to their site, they were getting right on that right. Anyway, I finally gave up on them and bought some new software. Eh voila! Here we are.
Sew Anyway
I did finish The Gift and delivered it in early November. So pleased with how it turned out. I used a new stencil with my chalk pounce to mark it and it worked out quite well.
In other news...
Also managed to finally get three quilts basted, Istanbul and the two basket weaves. Have I told you lately how much I love Kate Spain? (not to be confused with Kate Spade, though I love her too) My son took the picture below as I put on the borders.
The dueling basket weaves were interesting. It's quilt as you go, which was interesting. I basted all three base layers then set out to weave the top strips. Three hours and very sore finger tips later, I had both blankets set up for quilting.
Quilting was easy... Straight line raw edge appliqué. Got the binding put on at the November guild meeting and fully intended to finish both on a Thanksgiving car trip. As of today, January 1, I have one finished. Second one is about 1/4 finished. I'll post pictures of the finished one next time, along with a photo of the quilting on Istanbul.
Sent from a wireless device. Please excuse typos.