That would be both the sewing and blogging trend. As usual, I find that doing too much of one precludes doing too much of the other. I don't know why I've got the sewing bug of late, but am taking advantage of the energy.
Am very happy to report that SuperNate was delivered and received with excitement. The label has my favorite Shel Silverstein poem on it. It seemed made for SuperNate.

I <3 Kate Spain Well at least her fabric lines. And I am serious, this is love! OCQ gave me a jelly roll of Fandango for Christmas. I knew at once that this would be a quilt for me in a way that my living room quilt never was. The fabric is delicious. I almost think I could be sustained for a while just by that fabric. You think I am a raving lunatic (probably right, but thats a topic for another day), but seriously, this fabric is so awesomely fantastic that I didn't even mind the cutting and ironing. And you know how I loathe ironing. And the pattern I chose has loads of ironing. Bt each pressing session gave me more time to fall in love with the fabric. Not a bad one in the bunch. But I do have my favorites. Yummy.

Am also totally and completely obsessed with her new line, Terrain. My layer cake arrived just as I reached a stopping point with my Fandango quilt, heretofore referred to as Istanbul (not Constantinople). I drooled over it for a week before I cut into it for another new project. I am counting on the siren like call of the fabrics to ensure these two projects don't end up in my UFO pile...
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