Sew, speaking of said vacation, I promised the Wee One that I would finish his dino quilt before we left on vacation. I spent a lovely birthday day with OCQ sewing most of the day. I got most of the quilting done on the dinos. It was kind of plain jane (in the ditch quilting on the big squares and then just echo quilting around the applique) and I felt badly, like my baby wasn't getting my best, even though I used glow in the dark thread to add to the cool factor (totally worked, BTW. Wee One thinks it is "awesome". And it really does glow). I had two spools of the glow thread (are you really surprised?), so I decided to add some loops to the small border. As I was getting loopy, I started added in words like "cretaceous" and "stomp" and eventually added in all of my label information. It took some concentration to link my letters correctly, but it turned out super cute. That was so fun that I added dino foot prints to the big border, also in glow thread. Got it bound and washed the day before we left on vacation.

Is that a body in your batting or are you just happy to see me?
Sew I mentioned a birthday of sewing with OCQ. Our day also included a trip to the fabric store with a coupon and sale. The nice 90" wide cotton batting was on sale for a RIDICULOUS price, so we of course bought 20 yards of it to split. Wanna know what 10 yards of batting looks like all rolled up? Looks like you are hiding bodies.

Moving on
Well, the birthday sewday was busy! While I was sewing, OCQ gave an awesome present and cut my fabric for my latest project, SuperNate. My cousin's 2 1/2 year old son was recently diagnosed with neuroblastoma, a fairly rare childhood cancer. The prognosis is good, but he needs chemo to complete the treatment. They are far away, so we can't do much but pray and send food. Thought a quilt would be a little bit like sending a hug. With the awesome cutting assistance combined with some hubby travel time, I got that sucker pieced, layered and quilted within a week. Finishing the binding, hopefully this week.